German City Names in the US
Ever wonder how many “Berlins” there are in the US? Check this map out.
Which ones are found in North Dakota?
Unsere Straße
The Goethe-Institut has a neat website called “Unsere Straße”. Use the arrows at the bottom of the screen, or the wheel on your mouse, to move up and down the street. As you do, you can explore some everyday situations. Check it out!
Kristallnacht, Stumbling Stones
Here are a couple interesting articles about Kristallnacht and the Stumbling Stones that can be seen in Berlin.
Kristallnacht – den 9. November
Stumbling Stones – Stolperstein
Photo: Esme Nicholson/NPR
Wir müssen draußen bleiben….
In Germany, people often walk to the store, so why not take the dog with?
What happens to all those dogs while their owners are inside?
Here’s a blog that shows those dogs patiently waiting outside the store!
Language Village: Waldsee
Komm mit nach Waldsee!
The German Club is planning to attend from February 29th-March 2nd – and you are welcome to come with us!
Check out the website for the German Concordia Language Village Waldsee!
You can view several photos and videos, like the one below!
Gangnam Style auf Deutsch!
Schauen Sie Gangnam Style auf Deutsch!
(More songs are available from the same artist.)