German 3-4 – Computer Lab 12
Practice with the Kapitel 8 review activities.
Quizlet – Kapitel 8 Vokabeln – Practice
Rosetta Stone: Following the instructions on the sheet to begin practice with the Rosetta Stone activities.
German 2 – Computer Lab 12
Watch the Puppenspiele from last week. Go to the S Drive > FL > Mr. Mickelson > German 2 > Puppenspiel 2014.
Complete the review activities from previous the previous chapter.
Modal Verbs:
Healthcare in Germany – Watch the videos and view the articles to learn a little about healthcare in Germany.
Video 1
Video 2
Complete your vocab list using the following page:
Quizlet – Kapitel 6 – Vokabeln
Open the HRW Software on the computer and go to German 2, Disc 2, Kapitel 5, and work on the activities there.
When you are finished, you may go to FreeRice! – AUF DEUTSCH, BITTE!
German 1 – Computer Lab 12
FIRST – If you have any Modenschau work to complete, do that first! (You can find the instructions in Computer Lab 11.)
Complete the following activities today:
Fill out you vocabulary list with the following activity:
Quizlet – Komm mit! 1 – Kapitel 6 Vokabeln
Conjuguemos – Kapitel 6 Vokabeln – Practice with some of the “Interactive Games”.
Komm mit! Kapitel 5 Aktivitäten – Complete the review activities.
Go to the HRW Software on the computer. Select German 1, Disc 2 Kapitel 5. Complete the review activities for Chapter 5.
Remind101 – Sign Up
If you belong to the JHS German Club or are traveling to Germany this summer, you can sign up for text reminders from Herr Mick!
Just join one of the classes below! No phone number is exchanged, but texting rates apply!
German 1 – Computer Lab 11
The goal is to create a Prezi presentation about clothing. You will need to find pictures of clothing (keep the links for sources!) and describe the clothing (in German!). Remember to describe the clothing as completely as possible.
Save copies of your pictures on the S drive. Include a document of the source addresses!
Be sure you have a working Prezi account.
If you do not, sign up HERE.
Create your Prezi, then share it by posting the web address HERE.