25 Jahre!
Today marks the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Check out some of the links and see the celebration!
Berlin Anniversary Page with pictures
Remembering the Fall of the Berlin Wall (Slideshow and article)
Die Lichtgrenze in Berlin (Light Border in Berlin)
8,000 Balloons Released Over Berlin (Video)
Some great pictures of the past and the celebration
Famous Speeches in Berlin
John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan spoke in Berlin about the negatives of the Berlin Wall. Watch and listen to their speeches below.
Another interesting video:
German 3-4 – Computer Lab 3
Watch “Extra”, Abschnitt 2. (24 minutes).
Find the “Sonnenallee” using the map on the following site. Can you figure out what each site is about?
Review the conversational past with this exercise. (helper + ge-form)
Practice with the simple past tense using these self-quizzes.
Üben Sie die Vergangenheit. Schwache Verben und Starke Verben.
Freerice.com – NUR AUF DEUTSCH!
WordAce – As time permits. Write down examples on your list!
German 1 – Computer Lab 3
Complete the following activities in order. You should repeat the activities if you have extra time.
Quizlet Flashcards – Kapitel 2-1